Friday, February 26, 2010

to ensure that no one, not even air, is taken for granted

1. sunstretching

with jason

2. i meet

kelly link’s

girl detective

on the corduroy couch

under wool blankets

the treesleeper

the closet entrances to the underworld

the 12 pirouetting bank robbers

3. six-grain hot breakfast cereal

plus apple





steaming in wooden bowl

4. hot pink tape

in lines

across cover

of black journal

5. accupuncture

in two parts

one: needles tucked under cheekbones

needles as whiskers

needles between the toes

two: gua sha

along spine

edging up

shoulder blades

6. glass, concrete and stone

through the floorboards

7. violet cassis


we divide

and divide

and divide

the taste of ferries

winter saltwaves

tossed wishes

and boxing gloves

8. a macaroon

a truffle


in chocolate mousse mess

9. two small sips

of toby’s

dirty martini

10. discussing

urban terror

a new campaign is born:

to ensure

that no one

not even air


or skin

is ever taken for granted


11. rainwet knees


under blanket mountain

12. gratitude

for coconut water offerings

by oil lamp

in the tree top wind


Yap Yap Yap

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about acupuncture following this post; I intended to address the topic yesterday, but my head was in another place!  Anyway, I’m not an expert by any means.  All I know is that someone who works in the same place I do swears it helped her carpal tunnel sydrome, and since nothing else has worked to date, I figured it was worth a shot.  Nobody spoke to the acupuncturist but me; I’m the one who told him I don’t have a period.  As for those of you who are squeamish when it comes to needles, if you don’t look, you won’t even know that there’s a needle in your skin.  You just feel a tiny pinprick of pressure for a second, and then for the next twenty minutes you can even take a little nap if you’d like.  Which I did like.  (And the knee / hip / thigh seems to be holding up pretty well … just a little residual dull ache.  I’m pondering trying some light cardio tomorrow.)

Last night, my mom was cleaning out some kitchen cabinets.  (Can I just say that I do not understand the concept of “cleaning for Pesach” when these cabinets are all going to be locked up for that week anyway?!)  I needed to be present for the cabinets that have things in them which I use, because I’d never be able to find them again if I wasn’t there!  Yesterday this was dubbed the “Peanut Butter Closet.”

Yikes.  It looks kind of like a supermarket shelf, since they’re mostly PB&Co.!

On the topic of peanut butter, though, look what was in that closet:

OIAJ was on the menu, obviously.

Second day in a row of a “different breakfast.”  Actually, I tasted some of the oat bran before I dumped it in the jar; it was just plain oat bran mixed with Truvia.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up in adding a bunch of crazy things, I forget how good it is when I keep it plain and simple.

I foresee another OIAJ in the very near future, because this means that another jar is ready:

Yes, I know, it looks like poop on a log.  I can’t spread peanut butter on a banana.  It’s too slimy!  My inability to do that is an ongoing problem.

Actually, that picture is from yesterday.  After last week’s banana saga, I bought three this week.  (Side point: three adorable, perfectly-sized organic bananas were less than $.50!)  But now I have to find ways to use them!  I took one to work with me today, but for reasons explained below, I didn’t wind up eating it there.  I did use half of it when I got home, though…

Double chocolate chip muffin topper, vanilla yogurt, sliced banana.

Would you believe that this is the first time I’ve ever had banana in yogurt?

So, the reason why I did not eat this banana at work… I mentioned earlier this week that I was probably going to have to skip therapy.  My therapist had some sort of meeting this morning, and she wasn’t sure if she’d be back by the time of my appointment (which, for the record, is 2.30).  She was supposed to call me if she was going to make it.  Since I don’t take a lunch break on therapy days, because that is my lunch break, here I was at 3.00 or so, lunch break still untaken.  And I would have eaten the banana either on the way to my therapist’s office, or on the way back to work, because I am a crazy person and I won’t throw out any food-related item in the office trash can.  And I am not about to bring home a banana peel to dispose of it!  At that point, I decided that I would just leave work an hour early and consider it my lunch break.  I ran this by Mr. J.  He said okay.  Then when I was leaving, he got all upset — “Where are you going?  Oh, you’re leaving leaving?!  That’s against departmental policy, you can’t take a lunch break after 4.00.  Don’t do it again.”  Okay, dude, whatever — I asked you about this!  He drives me crazy.

Anyway, I texted my brother, who was home today, and asked him to test the water levels in the aquarium.  The pH was a little low, but it usually is… and the ammonia didn’t sound too bad, so I decided to risk getting a new pleco.  I didn’t take a picture of it, but you’ve seen enough of them on my blog by now.  :p  It isn’t even a bristlenose pleco, which means it will potentially get huge and ugly, but if it lives long enough to do that, I will be very happy indeed.  I did another water change before transferring the pleco, and when I tested the water after that, the ammonia was at zero.  Perfection.

To “reward” myself for being so “non-observant” or whatever you want to call it, this made an appearance:

This, or some variation of this, is pretty much a “go-to” meal for me.  Vegetarian drumstick, bulgur, and a pile of steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, in this case).  And garlic salt, obviously.

And oh! Purim is coming! (Yep, much as I’d like to deny it…)

I made hamantashen, because it’s a tradition for me to do that every year.  It’s been ages since I’ve baked properly; I really love it, but I hate cleaning up afterwards!  Usually, hamantashen are made by rolling out the dough, cutting out circles, putting the filling on the circle, and folding over the sides.  I absolutely hate making cut-out cookies.  A few years ago I had a stroke of brilliance, and now I use a linzer tart dough recipe.  Basically, the dough is soft enough for me to roll it into a ball, flatten it, and then gently push up the sides around / over the filling to form a triangle.  Makes my life so much easier.  And everyone loves the linzer tarts, so this is a winner in all respects.  Baker is happy, eaters are happy.  :)

And also in the Purim spirit, my brother conducted a little experiment.

Jello shots!  (He made this brilliant observation about the jel: “It smells like sugar.”  Nooo.  Why would it?!  It’s only, like, 100% sugar!)

As it turns out, we are staying home for Shabbos.  My mom told me, “What, we’re going to leave you here to eat by yourself?!”  Which is such rubbish, because what I want is never a deciding factor in these things.  My dad probably said he didn’t want to go.  Either way, I’m glad we’re not going to my brother.  (Even though, to be honest, there is a small part of me that is upset about it because I know that I wouldn’t eat there, or at least a lot less than I will at home.  But it’s a small part.  Can I count that as a good thing?!)

That little bit of relief aside, I am still feeling stressed and anxious, and I decided that Katie’s suggestion was a good one.

I was actually going to do school reading in there.  But I figured that probably would have been kind of counterproductive, considering I was supposed to be doing something relaxing, so I read a magazine instead.  I’m trying to convince myself that I don’t feel guilty for just vegetating like that instead of being productive.  (And also thinking that my poor butt wants me to invest in a padded bath mat!!  Do such things even exist?!)

Work might be closed tomorrow due to the weather.  (Yes, more snow.)  Even if it’s not, I am taking off … for a totally self-indulgent “Me Day.”  One which makes me cringe both because I always feel so selfish for it, and because it is going to be insanely expensive.  I should be getting my hair cut every six to eight weeks.  I do get my hair cut probably every six months.  What can I say … once I’ve been to Ouidad, I can’t go anywhere else, and it’s too freaking expensive for me to go as often as I should.  And I am also going to be extremely brave and get a massage… I still think it’s strange that I like massages, because I’m not a touchy-feely person at all.  In fact, I am quite abhorrent of being touched!  Maybe I’m masochistic and love having someone attack the knots and kinks in my back / neck / shoulders.  And believe me, there are a lot of them!

I think I’ve babbled on long enough for one evening… and effectively negated any chance of my getting any work done before I pass out.  I will shut up now.

Have a great weekend!

“Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.”

~Roald Dahl

(I love that guy.  And this is very Purim-appropriate!)


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nuts Over Needles

Slowly defrosting from a chilly swim… it really, really upsets me when the water is so cold that I need to expend so much energy and swim like a lunatic if I don’t want to freeze.  I’m supposed to be relaxing.  And since swimming is a relatively low-impact activity, and it didn’t hurt last week, I figured it would be okay for my stupid leg.  It would have been better if the water wasn’t cold.  Gahhh!

I had my second acupuncture appointment today.  Because my knee / hip / leg is still all messed up, I told him that it was also my hamstring that was hurting.  Well.  Apparently I’m not up to snuff on my human anatomy, because after my appointment, I realized it is actually my Sartorius muscle that’s causing most of the pain.  It’s usually fine when I’m sitting still, but sometimes when I walk or stand it tenses up so much that it sends a kind of spasm down my thigh.  Not fun.  But also thankfully not as bad as it was.

Anyway, that’s my left leg.  I felt him poking needles into my right leg too, and when I asked why he was doing that, he said it was so that I could get my period back.  It was never my intention to get rid of it in the first place, though I won’t deny it’s one less hassle in my life; but it would also make things a lot easier on me if I did have a period.  (Primarily because my mom couldn’t care less if I weighed fifty pounds; if I have my period, I am “healthy” because I can procreate.  Gah.)  I thought I wanted to get it back.  Judging by my reaction to those needles, though, I wonder if I really mean that.  Because I freaked. out. Something along the lines of this: Well, if I need to gain weight to get my period, and this is going to make me get it back, then that means this will make me gain weight.  I don’t want to do that, certainly not from something totally out of my control! I was, obviously, a wee bit hysterical.  I told him that I was not interested in gaining weight via “outside sources,” and he said, “I don’t mean you’re going to gain ten pounds from it.”  For goodness’ sake, it’s the principle of the matter here!  I don’t think he took that needle out, either.  And now I really need to examine this and figure out why I had the reaction I that I did, because I don’t understand it.

Even though it was raining and windy and gross outside, I needed to go somewhere, so I went to Whole Foods on my lunch break.  Actually, I went to get something in particular, which, of course, they didn’t have.  It’s just as well, though; carrying packages in that type of weather is not very high on my list of fun activities!  Nor is sitting in wet clothes, but such is life.

Romaine, roasted baby bellas, tofu cutlet, Brussels sprouts roasted with seasoned salt.

Also along for the ride today was this little cup of wonder.

I know it looks kind of gross, but things like this do not photograph well.  At least, not when I’m the one behind the lens!

It appears that I have reached a decision about whether to attend class tomorrow; one reason why I am not going to go is this.

My catfish died.  I need to go to Petco and get another one.  And I was just getting used to having an aquarium free of drama!!  Anyway, I messaged one of my classmates so that in the very unlikely event that my professor says something of note that I need to know, I will be kept updated.  Still, I feel kind of guilty.  I never cut class.  Ever.  Especially not when I’m paying through the nose for it!  But this is a really silly thing over which to waste guilt, isn’t it?…

The Queen of Random Injuries strikes again! You understand why I need this torso to illustrate…

I have a scratch in the general vicinity of that red dot.  I would really love to know how it got there!

I’ve been sleeping horribly this week.  I can’t seem to get drift off before midnight, and my eyes pop open before my alarm even goes off at 5.00 AM, and then I can’t get back to sleep.  I attempted to watch the Olympics earlier, but ever since the switch to digital, my TV keeps “skipping.”  So much for advances in technology, huh?  I’m taking that as a sign that I need to go to bed.

Have a happy Hump day!

Your fellow is your mirror. If your own face is clean, so will be the image you perceive. But should you look upon your fellow and see a blemish, it is your own imperfection that you are encountering – you are being shown what it is that you must correct within yourself.

~The Baal Shem Tov


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

BBC News - Acupuncture could help period pain, researchers say

via BBC News – Acupuncture could help period pain, researchers say.

Complementary therapies should not be used exclusively, at the expense of conventional treatment, unless significant improvements have been made and your doctor tells you otherwise

Professor Philip Steer


Positive articles about the use of acupuncture are always welcome but I’m rather surprised at the scathing and disrespectful comment from Professor Steer. Acupuncture is governed by The Bristish Acupuncture Council (much like The British Medical Council) and adheres to a strict code of conduct and ethics. Members are actively encouraged to engage in research, and CPD is compulsory.

Primary dysmenorrhea is debilitating and I would suggest, eroding to self-esteem, why should it rule these womens lives? To suggest that the use of pain killers, or perhaps ‘going on the pill’ combined with endless embarrassing internal examinations is preferrable and the only viable option available to women, is ludicrous, antiquated and narrow minded.

If acupuncture presents an effective treatment for primary dysmenorrhea, then why isn’t it welcomed by the medical profession with open arms, or least an open mind? A lot of women with this condition can benefit from a course of acupuncture, followed by a monthly session at the beginning of the pre-menstrul phase of her cycle. Endometriosis is much more difficult to treat but acupuncture can be used as an adjunct to a conventional medical approach.

There is no reason why Western and Chinese medicine cannot ‘work together’. Acupuncture should not always be regarded as ‘the last resort’ but offerred as a frontline treatment option to the ‘informed patient’ where appropriate.


Acupuncture Face-Lift: Beauty, Radiance & Vitality for the Face

For over 5,000 years, Chinese Medicine has aspired to cultivate the strength and vitality of the human being. While physical, mental, and emotional resiliency can be achieved through the regular consumption of special Chinese herbs, as well as regular Acupuncture Treatments, “Beautifcation” has been a specialized area of Chinese medicine for centuries. Prized by the Emperor’s and the Royal family throughout the ages, Acupuncture (and herbs as well), has been used to not only slow down the aging process, but to maintain beauty, radiance, and vitality in the face. The Chinese always revered beauty as sign of immortality and longevity. Therefore, the physical appearance of the individual was considered a reflection of their strength and vitality. With this emphasis on immortality, Acupuncture was used to reverse and slow down the aging process, yielding remarkable results, that can be maintained over the course of a lifetime.

As gravity progresses, the aging process becomes inevitable. Skin loses it’s elasticity, and once prominent anatomical structures such as Cheek Bones, Jaw Lines, and other aqualine features soften. The size and shape of the eyes diminish as part of the aging process. The once illuminated and radiant glow that youth provides dwindles slowly, as luster and beauty diminish in the face. The facial-skeletal structure is vulnerable to the descending energy that pulls it down—leading to sagging skin. The once taut and tight look and feel of the face gradually vanishes. This however, does not have to be the case. Aging of the face can not be eliminated entirely, but can significantly be slowed down with the help of “Acupuncture Face-Lifts.”

Acupuncture Face lifts utilize the dynamic principals of energy that Acupuncture is based on. Since aging causes structures to droop and descend, Acupuncture Face-Lifts can pull energy upward, causing a tightening and tautness of the skin. Prominent features such as high Cheek bones, chiseled jaw lines, and other strong features become accentuated. The eyes widen and brighten with vitality and life-force, and an overall rejuvenating effect is experienced.  This is achieved with a combination of Acupuncture and special Chinese herbs. This intention is the same intention that a traditional surgical face-lift utilizes. However, there is no cutting, or surgical invasion into the human body. There is no down time. There is usually no bruising. And no inflammation and recuperation time, as there is with Plastic Surgery. The effect is immediate and instantaneous. Usually the transformation takes place within minutes after the Acupuncture Needles are inserted. There is virtually no pain or discomfort during the session.

With consistent treatments (2-3 per week), a cumulative rejuvenating effect is achieved. The treatments usually take place over the course of 3 months, of which thereafter, the results remain. Intermittent treatments once every month are recommended for ideal results.

Dr. Dustin Siena has developed a unique and specialized technique to ensure maximum results. In addition to the “Siena Acupuncture Face-Lift”, a special herbal formula, developed by Dr. Dustin Siena is often used to support the “Ascending” effect of the cumulative treatments. Special selected Chinese herbs work in a similar way to the Acupuncture, and enhance the overall result, ensuring a radiant skin complexion, and an overall tightening effect on the prominent anatomical structures of the face.

The “Siena Acupuncture Face-Lift” offers noticeable and visible changes in skin texture, color, tautness, and elasticity. Dietary changes are essential to maximize and maintain the beautiful results achieved from the treatments. Dr. Siena introduces specific Chinese Nutrition guidelines, which have been used for centuries for beautification.

Many of Dr. Siena’s patients have been ecstatic with the results, and come in for regular maintenance treatments, after the desired results have been achieved.

The “Siena Acupuncture Face-Lift” is a wonderful alternative to Plastic Surgery, with no recovery time, yiedling rapid and desireable results. The unique element involved with this process is that an overall slowing down of the degenerative aging process can be achieved with consistent Acupuncture Face-Lift Treatments. This is quite profound, since these treatments over time can prevent the need for any invasive plastic surgery later on, which is consistent with the intention of Chinese Medicine. Prevention is the emphasis here, so as to maintain vitality, radiance, and life-force throughout one’s life.

By Dustin Siena, L.Ac.

Copyright © 2002 Dustin Siena


Friday, February 5, 2010

Call to action

Many of you may remember when I volunteered, giving acupuncture for post traumatic stress, after hurricane Katrina. That experience was incredibly powerful for me. I have never  felt so connected, so part of the human family. This kind of disaster knows no boundaries. It crosses lines of wealth, race and status. I saw homes flattened.  There were men whose eyes were dull and who owned nothing more than the clothes on their backs. They had lost everything. Those homes left standing had the pungent stench of toxic mold.

Acupuncture served as a reset button for the central nervous system.  People who hadn’t slept thru the night since the storm were sleeping. The nightmares were less and the flashbacks less frequent. They were profoundly grateful for the help they received.

 In the wake of the devastation that Haiti has experienced Acupuncturists Without Borders is again offering their services to those in need.  The following is an excerpt from their update sent out this past week. I encourage you to donate to this worthy grassroots cause.

AWB Executive Director, Diana Fried, and AWB Haiti

Operations Manager, Julia Raneri arrived in Port-au-

Prince, Haiti Wednesday morning, February 3. We

wanted to send you a brief report as soon as possible

from the field.

Diana says:

“We were able to land here after all and didn’t need to do

the grueling drive from the Dominican Republic. There

are lines and crowds of people waiting for food

distribution and buildings flattened everywhere. Everyone

has heart breaking stories to tell. We have already given

several treatments. Roger Brierre, friend of Jean and

Eric, our generous and lovely Haitian hosts, is driving us

around in his truck. Now and then the ground under the

truck moves, and Roger says his heart jumps because

he fears it is another earthquake.

Here is an excerpt from the New York Times on January


“Meanwhile, government health officials on Thursday

reported that the psychological impact of the disaster is

becoming more apparent in the symptoms being seen at

general clinics run by Doctors Without Borders.

One, in the rural town of Leogane near the epicenter of

the Jan. 12 earthquake, reported that about half of the

people receiving treatment were suffering from mental


The International Medical Corps, which is overseeing

operations at the general hospital in Port-Au-Prince, also

brought in a mental health specialist to help begin dealing

with emerging concerns of post-traumatic stress

disorder and other problems.”

Roger Brierre, Diana and Julia’s current guide, sends a message:

“We want to say to all American people and the government of the United States that have been helping Haitians that we really appreciate their help. However the earthquake was so devastating to our people. Please do your best to keep helping the people of Haiti.”Trauma recovery will definitely be needed as the rubble clears, and survivors have water, emergency medical care, food, and shelter.


Migraine Daily News

Here is today’s round-up of news relating to migraine and visual snow:

York Study Maps The Effects Of Acupuncture On The Brain. Thursday, 4 February 2010, 17:44 CST. Important new research about the effects of acupuncture on the brain may provide an understanding of the complex mechanisms of acupuncture and could lead to a wider acceptability of the treatment. The study, by researchers at the University of York and the Hull York Medical School published in Brain Research, indicates that acupuncture has a significant effect on specific neural structures.

Migraine seminar in Castlebar. Mayo Advertiser, February 05, 2010. International headache expert Ria Bhola will speak at the Migraine Association of Ireland’s information seminar in the TF Hotel, Castlebar on Tuesday February 9.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Boost Your Energy in Winter -- Wisdom From Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

In the depths of a New England winter (and there’s no ambiguity about the weather this week!), a lot of people feel their energy flagging. If you feel like you’re dragging yourself through the day, or you could use a nap every single afternoon, or you just don’t care about doing much beyond what’s necessary, this is completely natural.

The cold and dark make this season a natural time for resting and replenishing your reserves; Chinese medicine advises using this to your advantage. Winter is associated with the water element, and with the Kidneys, which represent our deepest level of energy reserves — the life force we were born with and that we tap into when we are “running on empty”.

To nourish the Kidney energy, live in harmony with the season, and get ready for the springtime burst of energy and activity, consider these suggestions:

Go to bed early, and sleep late. Being up primarily when the sun is also up conserves your “yang”, or warming energy, which is needed against the cold weather.

Eat warm, cooked foods: Soup is great this time of year — it’s warm, nourishes the water element, and preserves the digestive fire, allowing you to convert food to energy. Green leafy vegetables and nuts, especially walnuts and chestnuts, are especially good for the Kidneys. Some sources also suggest eating black foods and kidney-shaped foods (think black bean soup!)

Focus on quieter tasks. It’s natural and sensible if you don’t feel like going out dancing every night, or training for a marathon. Conserve your energy a bit by making your exercise more gentle (yoga, tai chi, and walking are great). And take time for indoor, settled activities such as cooking, knitting, reading, or meditation.

Deep breathing exercises help you connect to your core energy, making it available. Click on the link below for a qi gong breathing exercise that is perfect for these winter days.

Get A Seasonal Acupuncture Tune-Up: Acupuncture is designed to bring your body into balance with itself, and also to harmonize the body with the climate and season. A kidney-focused acupuncture treatment can help you access and replenish your energy reserves.
