Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Do you think Medical Doctors also Trust Acupuncture? by Dr.Arthur Fan

Some patients complained their medical doctors (MDs) don’t suggest them to use acupuncture.  This might be true for some MDs, especially the conservative MDs.  In recent years, MDs actually are more and more interested in acupuncture and other alternative or complementary medical therapies, less likely to tell patient — “do not use acupuncture”.

Several big scale clinical trials have demonstrated acupuncture is an effective methods to treat low back pain, knee pain, migraine, etc.  So, MDs may suggest patients who have such problems to use acupuncture.  However, some of MDs may not so familiar to acupuncture, may advise their patients “do not see an acupuncturist” when patients have other conditions, such as infection, asthma, heart problems, even some other pain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Actually, acupuncture has been effectively applied to treat many clinical conditions, World Health Organization (WHO) lists over 100 conditions as acupuncture treatment scope. Acupuncture activates patient’s own healing ability, which is useful and organic/less adverse effect.

In 2008, there were at least 15 MDs saw us and we used acupuncture (with or without herbology, etc) to help their own or their family members to recover from different clinical conditions, such as low back pain, neck pain, arm pain, various headache (migraine, tension headache, sinus infection, neck problems), allegy, asthma, gastrointestine problem, fertility and period issue, PMS, etc. although the effective levels are different–for some conditions, acupuncture could cure them; for other conditions, acupuncture could help either to decrease the chemical drug’s dose or to eliminate the adverse effect(s) of chemical drugs, etc. Sometime, acupuncture could improve patient’s energy level or improve patient’s qualityof life.

In our area, one MD even treats herself as an acupuncturist, most of her patients actually see her to do acupuncture, instead of getting a prescription for chemical drug.

It seems more and more MDs accept acupuncture.


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